Hello if you have rooted android device but still you are
facing the below problem while opening root feature from ES file explorer
Please follow the below steps
“sorry test
failed this feature cannot run on your device”
1 1) Download
and Install below two app from PlayStore
a) Busybox (Download, Install, Open and again install
with root access)
b) Android Terminal Emulator
2) Open an
Android terminal emulator and type the below commands
Su (enter)
mount -o remount
rw /system (enter)
touch /sbin/su /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su (enter)
mount -o remount (enter)
ro /system (enter)
exit (enter)
(below method works on Samsung phones)
su (enter)
mount -o rw,remount /system (enter)
touch /sbin/su /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su (enter)
mount -o ro,remount /system (enter)
exit (enter)
Reboot the system and Enjoy the full access to ES file
Cheers !!! Please comment if any doubts